We assume no liability for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained on this website. The information contained on this website does not constitute any advice. OAT - IMMOBILIEN & HOTEL - PR-SERVICE shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including lost profits, arising from the use of this website and the contents presented therein. This disclaimer also includes links (redirects) to other Internet sites over which OAT - IMMOBILIEN & HOTEL - PR - SERVICE has no influence.


No warning without prior contact with us!
In the case of competition law, domain law, copyright or similar issues, please contact Mr. Moll to avoid unnecessary litigation and costs in advance. If content or presentation of these pages infringe rights of third parties or statutory provisions, a corresponding message will be requested without cost note.
Rightly disputed passages are removed immediately, without your side, the involvement of a lawyer is required.
Nevertheless, if you hire a lawyer, you can pay the costs acc. § 254 BGB does not assert.
The cost note of a lawyer's warning without prior contact with us by OAT is in accordance with the loss mitigation gem. § 254 BGB rejected as unfounded!

Consumer information:
Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO:
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform, available at:

Use of the above data:
The use of contact data published in the imprint obligation by third parties for sending unsolicited advertising and information materials is hereby expressly excluded.
The operator of this website reserves the right to take legal action in case of unsolicited promotional information (eg spam e-mails).

Note on all links on these Internet sites and our D-based homepage:
With judgment from the 12.Mai 1998 - 312 085/98 - "adhesion for left" the regional court Hamburg decided that one has to take responsibility for the contents of the linked side if necessary by the attachment of a left. This can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from these contents. Therefore: "Hereby OAT-PR-Service, all operators and / or authors of these advertisements expressly dissociate themselves from all contents of all linked pages of these advertisements and do not adopt these contents as their own. This declaration applies to all links to external homepages on this internet platform. "

Further information on the EU-wide settlement for online dispute resolution:
With the EU Regulation No. 524/2013, which has been in force since 06.01.2016, a new EU platform has been introduced. It provides a simple, efficient, fast and cost-effective out-of-court solution to disputes arising from online legal transactions between an entrepreneur and a consumer.
This link takes you to the EU arbitration board:

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